Our Experts are well-qualified in their domain to provide you the best advice according to your needs. We can assure you that whenever you require our expert, they will be available on a one call. We first analyse the product and the demand of your business and do some research so that it can matchup your needs. we never over commit to our all the customers to get the business from you.
Selling food and/or feed that is non-genetically modified (non-GMO) places the burden of proof on the supply chain. Our Non-GMO Supply Chain Standard helps organisations, irrespective of type or size, to supply verifiably non-GMO product. The scope of certification can extend from a single actor in the supply chain, a few or even the whole production process.
From the seed, through the growing process and harvest, transportation, collection, storing and processing to the market channel, we offer independent certification of quality management systems. Certification also includes primary packaging and the verification of legal requirements relating to the labeling and traceability of GMOs. Based on EU regulations concerning non-GMO, including Directive 2001/18/EC and regulations 1829/2003 and 1830/2003, our standard can be applied globally to all processes in the supply chain

The Non-GMO Production Standard
The standard ensures no genetically engineered ingredients are used in the production of the end product. The standard aims to verify this by putting forth a list of requirements that leads to a strong system of internal and external verifications at the facilities that produce/process the (end-)product. The Management System (MS) shall have a documented sampling plan that is based on the MS and the associated risk assessment. Laboratories performing tests to assess the genetically engineered material content of a sample, shall be certified with ISO 17025 for the specific activity of genetically engineered material testing. Companies in compliance with the NGPS may communicate the claim ‘Certified Non-GMO Production’ on the product label with reference to the NGPS. To the approved organic standards belong EU organic, NPOP, USDA organic and IFOAM based organic standards.
How you benefit ?
The market for non-GMO products is surging 17% annually and expected to reach 1.1 billion USD by 2023, according to industry analyst Increased opportunities for market share and market differentiation Ability to meet consumer and retailer demand for non-GMO labeling Access to global non-GMO markets Comprehensive risk management Compliance with emerging retail, industry and government requirements Independent, third-party credibility for non-GMO claims
Operators achieving certification will be subject to annual surveillance audits to ensure that compliance is maintained. NON-GMO Supply Chain Standard certification does not replace compliance with national and international regulations. Version 5.0 of our standard includes a new annex with voluntary additional requirements, to address market demand and consumer interest.

Our implementation methodology
our end to end consulting includes following stages.

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